Help with your utility bills
Our Energy Assistance Program helps low income families with the high cost of home energy. Income eligible families are provided a one-time benefit to their heating and electric companies to offset the high cost of utility bills during the winter months.

Heating and electric bills can be difficult to pay. For moderate to low income households, apply to see if Area Five can help. Benefit amounts vary based on application details. Please be sure to submit all utility bills with your application for our review.
- EAP Packet PY 2025 (Available Oct 2nd)
- Download the Energy Education Survey
- Download the Income Verification Affidavit
- Download the Landlord Affidavit
- Download the Direct Benefit Payment Election Form (For those with utilities included in rent only)
- Download the EAP Address Change Form
- Download the Declaration of Absent Household Members
- Download the Utility Verification Affidavit
- Download the Area Five Community Resource List
- EAP Appeals Procedure
Are you registered to vote? Registration online is just a click away. Click here to Register to Vote!
Email your application to EAP@AREAFIVE.COM, once all information is gathered or you can send it with your information through the mail to:
Area Five Agency
1801 Smith Street
Logansport, IN 46947
Energy Assistance Program Online Application Portal – Click to begin the application process online and please be sure to have the below information available, as documents will be required to submit your application online. (Please note that the EAPConnect website is best used with Windows Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari browsers. The website is NOT compatible with Internet Explorer web browser.)
- Connect Client Portal New User Registration - YouTube
- Connect Client Portal Online Application - YouTube
If you are behind on your utility bill, please contact your utility vendor to begin a payment arrangement. Establishing a payment arrangement could help with keeping the utilities on until eligibility can be determined and pledged after the November 1st begin date for the Energy Assistance Program. If an agreement cannot be made, please contact 211 for additional community resources that may be able to assist on your utility.
If you have suffered wage loss or job loss, please click on and download the Request for Earnings Information document. You will need to complete the top section with signature and provide document to your employer for them to complete “Employer Information” section. The completed document should be returned to us at EAP@AREAFIVE.COM or mailed to us at the above address.
To apply, please submit the following:
- Complete AND SIGN the 2025 EAP Application Packet
- Proof of Veteran Status or Disability, if you identify as such
- Documentation of current income
- Household members 18 years of age or older without income must sign an Income Verification Affidavit and tell how the basic needs listed are met.
- High School/College Students, 18-23 years of age, must submit a copy of their FULL-TIME school schedule.
- Landlord Affidavit is required for renters with utilities included in their rent. Form should be completed and signed by the current landlord. Landlord contact detail is required on the form.
- Proof of Home ownership should be provided, if you require assistance with an inoperable furnace. If your furnace stops working and you are in need of a furnace repair or replacement, please call Area Five Agency. One of our staff will assist you in gathering the details to refer your application.
- Please provide CURRENT heating and light bills at the residence of application.
- Energy Education is being provided in to help individuals learn ways to conserve energy. Utilizing conservation techniques can help to reduce heating and cooling expenses in your home, if used properly. Completing the Energy Education Survey form, when approved for the Energy Assistance Program, will allow households to gain access to an energy saving kit from Area Five Agency. This energy saving kit includes energy saving tools, more tips, and ideas for conserving energy in your home.
- Community Resource List is included to show services that may be available to help, if a crisis situation happens. Please download the Community Resource List, complete it, and return to our EAP@AREAFIVE.COM inbox for an agency representative to reach out to you. EAP staff will forward your need for information to the proper department, so someone may contact you.
If you should have an after-hours energy emergency, please contact 211 for additional community resources or download and review the Community Resource List above or contact our Information and Referral staff at Area Five Agency
Maximum 3 Month Income allowed:
- One-person household- No more than $8,059
- Two-person household- No more than $10,539
- Three-person household- No more than $13,018
- Four-person household- No more than $15,498
*For additional guidelines for larger families, please contact us.